• sehlahisoa

Carbon Neutral |Khetha lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho lintho tse phelang 'me u khethe bophelo bo se nang botsoalle haholoanyane!

Ho ea ka 2019 Statement on the State of the Global Climate e lokollotsoeng ke United Nations le World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), 2019 e bile selemo sa bobeli se futhumetseng ka ho fetisisa se tlalehiloeng, 'me lilemo tse 10 tse fetileng e bile tse futhumetseng ho feta tse tlalehiloeng.

Mello ea Australia ka 2019 le seoa sa 2020 se tsositse batho, 'me a re qaleng ho nahana.

Re qala ho hlokomela karabelo e tlisoang ke ho futhumala ha lefatše, leqhoa le qhibilihang, komello le likhohola, litšokelo bophelong ba liphoofolo le litlamorao tsa bophelo bo botle ba batho…

Ka hona, bareki ba ntseng ba eketseha ba qala ho hlahloba mokhoa oa bophelo o fokolang oa carbon le tikoloho e le ho fokotsa lebelo la ho futhumala ha lefatše!Ke tšebeliso e eketsehileng ea lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho bio!

1. Fokotsa tlhahiso ea carbon dioxide le ho fokotsa phello ea greenhouse

Ho nkela li-petrochemicals tsa setso sebakeng sa lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho bioloji ho ka fokotsa tlhahiso ea carbon dioxide.

Tlhahiso ealihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho bioe ntsha khabonetaeokosaete e nyane ho feta dihlahiswa tsa petroleum."Analysis ea Impact Economic of the US Bio-based Products Industry (2019)" e bontšitse hore, ho latela mohlala oa EIO-LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), ka 2017, United States ka 2017 ka lebaka la tlhahiso le tšebeliso ea bio. -lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho nka sebaka sa lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho petroleum, mafura a mafura Tšebeliso e fokotsehile ka 60%, kapa lithane tse ka bang limilione tse 12.7 tsa likhase tse lekanang le CO2 tse tsoang ho greenhouse gas.

Mekhoa e latelang ea ho lahla ka mor'a hore sehlahisoa se felile, hangata le sona se baka khase ea carbon dioxide, haholo-holo liphutheloana tse setseng tsa polasetiki.

Ha lipolasetiki li chesa le ho robeha, ho tsoa carbon dioxide.The carbon dioxide e lokolloa ke ho chesoa kapa ho bola ha li-plastiki tse thehiloeng ho lintho tse phelang ha li nke lehlakore 'me li ke ke tsa eketsa bongata ba carbon dioxide sepakapakeng;ho chesoa kapa ho bola ha lihlahisoa tse entsoeng ka peterole ho tla ntša carbon dioxide, e leng tlhahiso e ntle 'me e tla eketsa kakaretso ea carbon dioxide sepakapakeng.

Kahoo ka ho sebelisa lihlahisoa tsa bio-based ho e-na le lihlahisoa tse entsoeng ka petroleum, carbon dioxide e sepakapakeng ea fokotseha.

Eco-friendly Bamboo Fiber Biobased letlalo bakeng sa mekotla ea matsoho (7)

2. Sebelisa lisebelisoa tse tsosolositsoeng le ho fokotsa ho itšetleha ka oli

Indasteri e thehiloeng ho bioloji haholo-holo e sebelisa lisebelisoa tse ka nchafatsoang (mohlala, limela, litšila tsa tlhaho) ho hlahisa le ho nka sebaka sa lihlahisoa tsa setso ka ho sebelisa lisebelisoa tsa petrochemical.Ha ho bapisoa le lihlahisoa tse entsoeng ka petroleum, lihlahisoa tsa eona tse tala li na le botsoalle haholoanyane tikolohong.

Ho latela Tlaleho ea Impact Economic Impact ea Tlaleho ea Indasteri ea Lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho Bio ea US (2019), United States e bolokile libarele tsa oli tse limilione tse 9.4 ka tlhahiso ea lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho bioloji.Har'a tsona, tšebeliso ea li-plastiki tse thehiloeng ho bio le li-bio le liphutheloana li fokotsehile ka libarele tse ka bang 85,000-113,000 tsa oli.

China e na le sebaka se seholo 'me e na le mehloli e mengata ea limela.Bokhoni ba nts'etsopele ea indasteri e thehiloeng ho baeloji bo boholo, ha mehloli ea oli ea naha ea heso e batla e le khuts'oane.

Ka 2017, palo eohle ea oli e khethiloeng naheng ea heso e ne e le lithane tse limilione tse likete tse 3.54 feela, athe tšebeliso ea oli e sa tsoakoang ea naha ea heso ka 2017 e ne e le lithane tse limilione tse 590.

Ho ntshetsapele tlhahiso le tshebediso ya dihlahiswa tse thehilweng ho baeloji ho tla fokotsa haholo ho itshetleha ka oli le ho fokotsa mesi e matla ya tshilafalo e bakwang ke tshebediso ya matla a mesaletsa ya dintho tsa kgale.

Ho phahama ha indasteri e thehiloeng ho baeloji ho ka fihlela litlhoko tsa nts'etsopele ea kajeno ea moruo o motala, o baballang tikoloho le oa moshoelella.

3. Lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho baeloji, tse ratoang ke litsebi tsa tikoloho

Batho ba ntseng ba eketseha ba ntse ba phehella bophelo ba khabone e tlase le tikoloho, 'me lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho bio tse sebelisang thepa e nchafalitsoeng li ntse li tsebahala haholo har'a bareki.

* Phuputso ea 2017 ea Unilever e bontšitse hore 33% ea bareki ba ka khetha thepa e molemo sechabeng kapa tikolohong.Phuputso e ile ea botsa batho ba baholo ba 2,000 ba tsoang linaheng tse hlano, 'me ba fetang karolo ea bohlano (21%) ea ba arabelitsoeng ba re haeba sephutheloana sa sehlahisoa le papatso li bontša ka ho hlaka setifikeiti sa eona sa ts'ebetso, joalo ka label ea USDA, e tla khetha lihlahisoa tse joalo ka mafolofolo.

*Accenture e ile ea etsa lipatlisiso ho bareki ba 6,000 Amerika Leboea, Europe le Asia ka Mmesa 2019 ho utloisisa mekhoa ea bona ea ho reka le ho sebelisa lihlahisoa tse pakiloeng ka thepa e fapaneng.Liphetho li bonts'itse hore 72% ea ba arabelitsoeng ba itse ba ntse ba reka lihlahisoa tse ngata tse baballang tikoloho ho feta lilemong tse hlano tse fetileng, mme 81% e boletse hore e lebelletse ho reka tse ling tsa lihlahisoa tsena lilemong tse hlano tse tlang.joalo ka ronaletlalo la biobased, 10% -80%, HO FIHLELA HO WENA.

Eco-friendly Bamboo Fiber Biobased letlalo bakeng sa mekotla ea matsoho (1)

4. Setifikeiti sa litaba tse thehiloeng ho Bio

Indasteri ea lefats'e e thehiloeng ho bioloji e tsoetse pele ka lilemo tse fetang 100.Bakeng sa ho khothaletsa nts'etsopele e tloaelehileng ea indasteri e thehiloeng ho baelo, ASTM D6866, ISO 16620, EN 16640 le litekanyetso tse ling tsa liteko li thakhotsoe machabeng, tse sebelisoang ka ho khetheha bakeng sa ho sibolla litaba tse thehiloeng ho bio lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho bio.

E le ho thusa bareki ho fumana lihlahisoa tsa 'nete le tsa boleng bo holimo tse thehiloeng ho bio, ho ipapisitsoe le litekanyetso tse tharo tse kaholimo tse amoheloang machabeng, li-labels tsa USDA tse thehiloeng ho bio-based, OK Biobased, DIN CERTCO, ke motala le setifikeiti sa UL bio-based. lileibole li qalisoa ka bonngoe.

Ho isa nakong e tlang

Boemong ba khaello e ntseng e eketseha ea mehloli ea oli ea lefats'e le ho matlafala ha ho futhumala ha lefatše.Lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho bioloji li thehiloe ho nts'etsopele le ts'ebeliso ea lisebelisoa tse nchafalitsoeng, ho nts'etsapele "moruo o motala" o tsitsitseng le tikoloho, ho fokotsa tlhahiso ea carbon dioxide, ho fokotsa phello ea greenhouse, le ho nkela mehloli ea petrochemical sebaka, mohato ka mohato bophelong ba hau ba letsatsi le letsatsi.

Ak'u inahanele bokamoso, leholimo le ntse le le leputsoa, ​​mocheso ha o sa phahama, moroallo ha o sa na likhohola, sena sohle se qala ka tšebeliso ea lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng linthong tse phelang!

Nako ea poso: Feb-19-2022